Psalm 33:20
Psalm 33:20 Wait in hope for the Lord It’s a curious thing that much of our experience of God in this life has to do with waiting. We wait for answers to our prayers. We wait for a new day. We wait for the coming of the bridegroom to redeem His church. We wait in patience to discern the will of the Lord. We wait for sickness to be relieved or for a loved one to recover. We wait for revival or restoration in the church. We wait for God to speak. We wait for the sound of the trumpet! It’s just a random list but it occurs to me that the Christian life has much to do with waiting. We are impatient people; we see no reason why God would delay. We want instant answers and direct guidance and to know what is going to happen next. The false teachers who promise us this every time have failed to understand the true essence of faith. Faith is trusting and obeying without instant responses. It is learning to hope when there seems to be no hope. It is declaring our trust ...