Psalm 32:6

Psalm 32:6  

Let the faithful pray     

As I write these words we are living in troubled times, the outfall from Covid 19 threatens our way of life and the stability of the world. Indeed, it is time for the faithful to pray and to ensure that they have a clean account with the Lord, as described in the earlier verses. However, there is a hint here of darker days, of a time when the presence of the Lord may be withdrawn, and it may not be possible to call upon Him. Jesus talked often of the “end of the age” and throughout my lifetime preachers have referred to the “days of grace” and “the last days.” In other words, the world as we know it will not continue, the Lord will not always contend with humans, one day He will withdraw His hand, His Spirit and His people. He may already have done this in some of the darkest corners of the earth where His name is dishonoured and there is no faith. So, it is incumbent upon His people to pray! 

There were many legends and fears in ancient times about rising waters. The people of Noah’s day had turned their backs on God and they lived for themselves, driven by their own pride and egos. The rising mighty waters reached them! Whilst God has promised not to repeat this judgement there are times in our individual lives, and in the life of this world, when mighty waters appear to threaten our very existence. At such moments, like now, God’s people need to pray! 


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