Psalm 33:5

Psalm 33:5

Righteousness and justice     

The Lord loves righteousness and justice. “Ok,” we say, “that’s good, we think we know that!” But do we know that? It is so easy to read words like this and let them pass us by because they are part of the fabric of the familiar Scriptures. But look again. The text is not saying that the Lord likes righteousness and justice, He loves them! He loves righteousness. He loves it when His followers do good, not to earn His favour but because they simply want to be obedient – they want to serve Him, they choose to obey because they know it gives Him pleasure. The Lord loves that!

The Lord also loves justice. There are so many abused, used, impoverished, needy people in the world who have no voice, no champion for their cause and no respite from their suffering. When someone, driven by Godly compassion, seeks to help; the Lord loves it! 

The Lord Jesus delights to show righteousness and justice Himself. His life was righteous throughout every second he was here on this earth. His sense of justice took Him to the cruel crucifixion site of Calvary so that He might obtain justice for all men. He did not come for a few for God loves the whole world, but compassionate justice can only be granted to those who seek it. There is justice too for those who are unrepentant, for if God has genes, it is written into them that men and women must receive their just rewards.

Oh yes, the Lord is faithful, and the world is full of His unfailing love. Everywhere creation screams love and truth and beauty and purity and “men are without excuse” if they ignore it and ignore the One who created it. Let us never underestimate the power of the character of God! His righteousness and His justice are the products of His unfailing love. 


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