Psalm 33:7

Psalm 33:7  

The storekeeper of the world     

There are some Christians who would argue that this verse is an illustration, a visual aid to help our little human minds grasp the immensity of who God is. Others would say that this is a literal verse of Scripture. Who is right? What we have here is a householder or a landowner storing his/her produce; the wine or the water or the oil is carefully poured into jars or ewers. The grain or arable harvests are preserved in storehouses. In future these products will be needed but for now they need to be kept in a secure place where there will be no leakage and where every drop or grain can be accounted for. 

I believe this verse is all about a God who keeps, who preserves, who gives order and purpose, who has everything under control. In the time of the Flood, the jars and the storehouses were emptied and the result was chaos to the world. In times of famine the storehouses are closed. At all such times we are dependent on the Lord God to provide and open up but, unlike Jacob and his sons who went to Pharaoh to beg for food, the world refuses to acknowledge the Provider. Mankind cannot control such things, but our God can and does. We are living in chaotic times for this world and it is important that we grasp this. Man can only tinker with the peripheries of the resources of this planet, it is God who holds the keys and who orders events. Hallelujah!



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