Psalm 32:8

Psalm 32:8  

He will teach you     

When I first started doing these commentaries on the Psalms, one verse at a time, it was for the purpose of understanding better, the nature of spiritual warfare. I only ever intended to pick out the verses that were pertinent to that subject. Then I found myself “hooked” by other verses that I was reading and I realised they all contained truth that was relevant to my spiritual walk. Then I felt prompted to share my thoughts with others – with you. For, you see, our Lord has an intimate interest in the spiritual journey of every one of us and we need His instruction. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go,” He says. How difficult the terrain is, how devious the enemy with his side paths, how confusing the signs can be, we need His guidance and there is just ONE place we will find it - here in His Word as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Notice that He will teach us the way to GO. He does not intend us to stand still or to retreat, His plan is for a progressive journey with a definite destination, so every day spent in procrastination or not looking at the Map is a day wasted!

Notice too, the beautiful promise that accompanies the Lord’s instruction, He says that He will counsel us with His loving eye upon us! He is not a hard taskmaster, His intent is that we should be wise, that we should know the way forward, that we should know ourselves and the people who surround us but, best of all, that we should know Him – intimately. That is the journey we are on my friends and we are being kept and guided every step of it, the Lord walks with us. We are no different to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus who listened to the voice of a stranger who turned out to be the resurrected Jesus. “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”  Luke 24:32. Keep going with His Word daily and He will talk with you too and your hearts will burn with His Holy fire. Hallelujah!


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