Psalm 33:8

Psalm 33:8

Fear the Lord     

In the light of the preceding verses it is obvious that all the earth should fear the Lord. Fear means reverence and respect, this is a call to all of mankind, not just Israel. All men of every tribe, race and tongue should fear the living God. Every nation from every continent should turn and acknowledge that there is but One Lord, One God and One Saviour of mankind. In truth this has never happened and it never will, until it is too late. 

Why should men fear God? Because their destiny is in His hands. He alone is God and He alone has the power to control the future. We either choose to live in His domain, guided by His laws and subject to His Spirit or we try to make our own way which inevitably leads to chaos, disappointment, unfulfillment and ultimately death. 

We should fear Him because He is an angry and a jealous God, we ignore Him at our peril. All the other objects of worship and the demon, pagan figureheads of the world’s religions are nothing, they are just figments of the devil’s, and man’s, imaginations. It is the evil power behind them that leads people into a spiralling obsession with the spirit world that can never satisfy or deliver from the final appointment with death. 

There is ONE GOD. Fear Him! Respect Him! Bow before Him! Confess your sins to Him! Obey Him!


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