Psalm 33;3

Psalm 33:3

Shout for joy!     

There are three things for worshippers and about worship in this verse. Can you spot them? 

Number 1. Sing to the Lord a new song. Worship music has changed a great deal during my lifetime. In my childhood hymns and songs were sung that had been familiar to several generations of believers in Jesus. Yes, some of them were set to very dull tunes and some were very twee in their sentiments! Then, one day, someone put a tune to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” and suddenly we were inundated with Scripture in song. That was a rich time, many of the Psalms were given up-to-date tunes. Then along came the more spontaneous outpourings of the charismatic movement and the variety of musical instruments changed too. Graham Kendrick added his twentieth century hymns and songs and suddenly we were in an era where there was a new tune to learn almost every day! Some of these offerings have been poor, but many have been right for their time. “Sing to Him a new Song!”

Number 2. Play skilfully you musicians. OK, so sometimes we have to put up with a few guitar or piano chords played badly, but it is incumbent on every musician who leads others to keep practicing and developing their skills. Personally, I see nothing wrong in using the very best to lead times of sweet and powerful worship to the Lord. Such events can be so inspiring, memorable and an anticipation of the day we join those heavenly choirs and orchestras celebrating the victory of our God and King. 

Number 3. “Shout for joy”. That’s something we can all do isn’t it? Well, that is if we have something to be joyful about! The Psalms seem to encourage joyful, exuberant and whole-hearted praise to the Lord, there is nothing to be ashamed of if we are prompted to express our worship in jubilant ways! Sadly, the “miseries” have had their way for too long. They don’t like extravagance simply because they do not react to God with joy themselves. Don’t let them put you off but do make sure that your joy is real and founded in truth. There is nothing worse that the “showing off” that some engage in – drawing attention to themselves instead of the Lord, or to meet a person who is joyful at praise events and miserable the rest of the time! 

So, let us “Sing to Him a new song; play skilfully, and shout for joy.”


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