Psalm 33:19

Psalm 33:19  

Keep me alive!     

Well, there are many things that we fear in life aren’t there? There are many occasions when we rest upon the unfailing love of the Lord. Some of these events or chapters in our lives are out of our control, at other times we reflect on how our own stupid actions have caused our misfortune. 

There are two trials that David fears above all others, they are death and famine. The first is common to all men, the second is not known amongst western nations today but still experienced in some third world countries. Imagine having nothing, not knowing where the next meal is going to come from, not having shops and State hand-outs to assist. Imagine being dependent on your land but it has all dried up and every plant has withered away and nothing will grow this season or maybe even the next! Imagine having a family to care for and no way to support them. I can only imagine that it must feel like a living death. What a comfort it is, when in desperate straits, to be able to turn to the Lord God and proclaim, “The Lord’s unfailing love will deliver me.” Can I believe it though?

As for death? Well has He not already given us a ticket to the next life? Death, however painful, is no more than jumping on a train whose destination is Paradise. We leave the bitter struggles of this life, with all of its pain and sorrow, and head off to our eternal destination where there will be no more pain, sorrow or tears. Yes, He has already delivered us from death by His unfailing love. Hallelujah! 


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