Psalm 33:9

Psalm 33:9

He spoke and it came to be     

We would be foolish to ever doubt the word of the Lord. Against a background of lies, false teaching, subjective testimony and fashionable theory it is vital that God’s people hang on to His every word. The world’s ideas and versions of the truth change daily. Even in the church there are changing theologies that are subject to the whims and ways of the times. Much has changed in my lifetime, some of the basic tenets of the faith have been challenged and overthrown. On the other hand, I have found that the Word of God has caused me to reflect on truth that I held sincerely but have now found to be wrong. That is why we must constantly be feeding on the Scriptures and hearing the voice of the Lord for, “When He spoke it came to be.” There is only one voice that matters, popular speakers and writers come and go, but the Word of the Lord stand forever and when He speaks IT WILL HAPPEN – IT IS DONE!

The background to these statements is, of course, creation. This beautiful, vast and complicated planet was the product of a voice! That voice spoke and everything came into being. When God says to the wind, Blow”, it blows. When He says to the waves, “Roar”, they roar. When He says to the mountains, “Stand firm”, they stand firm. When God says to a bird, “Fly”, it flies. Do you see, everything obeys Him, all creation is subject to His command. The only created thing that has a mind of its own is – Man! And we have chosen to listen to a different voice. Please, get back on track. Hear His voice, listen for His command and stand firm. Hallelujah!


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