Psalm 33:6

Psalm 33:6

By the word of the Lord     

I heard a discussion today about the mutations of the Coronavirus and its evolutionary abilities, apparently viruses compete and it’s all about the survival of the fittest. They learned to do this in monkeys millions of years ago and they’ve been doing it ever since! With that as a backdrop I come to my Bible and read that the Lord is the maker of all things. It took just a word and the heavens came into being. He breathed the starry host out of His mouth. Hebrews 11:3 tells us, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” So, we have a choice, is the universe and the starry host, and everything else that lives and breathes, a product of a cosmic accident that started 13.8 billion years ago or the consequence of the voice and will of God? If the former, then the world is in a terrifying place because much is happening that is completely out of man’s control. If the latter, then we have hope that someone bigger and greater, who knows all things will be able to step in and by the word of His mouth, restore sanity and order and beauty and perfection once more. I know where I would rather put my trust. One cause depends on chance and is hopeless, the other depends on a superior being and is more than hopeful. 


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