Psalm 32:9

Psalm 32:9

Horse or mule?     

In Isaiah 1:3 we find these words, “The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.”  Sadly, Israel has always rebelled against God, at times they have abandoned Him completely and followed other gods, but the Lord has remained faithful and called them back to Himself. On other occasions they have proudly practiced their religion but in their hearts, they have not obeyed His will. Time and again God has rescued the “chosen people” but to this day, most remain oblivious to Him, living in unbelief and blatant disregard. When Jesus came, their Messiah, He did not fit the man-made blueprint they had perfected, so He was despised and rejected. “He came unto His own but His own did not receive Him.” John 1:11.

David reminds us, here in this Psalm, that we can all be like Israel – they are our example. Instead of letting the Lord be our Instructor and Teacher, we rebel and kick and stubbornly dig in and so he has to use the bit and bridle. Instead of freedom we have to be controlled! What an incredible thing it must be, for the Lord to find people on earth who resolutely determine to obey His will and walk in His ways, whatever may come against them. True men and women of faith, such as those who are described in Hebrews 11. Yes, they had their problems, there no super-humans, the closest we will ever get to that status is to be servants who obey their master, those who do not have to be constantly disciplined but who walk the walk and seek to follow the Lord Jesus in all that they do. The Father still loves us and He is infinitely patient even when we stray but how much better it is if we humbly and meekly bend to His will rather than kicking against His authority!


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