Psalm 32:10

Psalm 32:10

The one who trusts in Him     

The “sanitised” view of God, so widely promoted by the church, is of a loving, patient, gracious, meek and kindly gentleman who endears Himself to mankind and who shows inexhaustible tolerance to all individuals and nations. If you read the Bible with one eye open you could justify that impression but, if you open the other eye, there is another side to God that many prefer to ignore. Paul sets the other side out, very clearly, in Romans chapter 2. In verse 4 he speaks of the kindness, forbearance and patience of God but these virtues are intended to lead us to repentance. The chapter goes on to point out that stubbornness and unrepentant hearts store up wrath and judgement from God. Romans 1 has already described this wrath of God that will be exhibited against the godlessness and wickedness of people. Psalm 32:10 is therefore an Old Testament parallel that tells us that there are two sides to God and the wicked are on a path that will lead to their judgement and suffering. Those who trust in the Lord have a very different future before them, they will experience His unfailing love both here and now and forever. So, are you working with Him or against Him? Are you experiencing the woes of the wicked or the unfailing love of the Lord? The difference between the two is faith, faith that trusts in the Lord God, in His Word and in His works. I know which side I would rather be on, don’t you? 


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