Psalm 33:2

Psalm 33:2  

Music v noise!     

It would be easy to overlook this verse with its musical connotations but there are some points to be made. Firstly, the ancient harp was not as grand and well strung as the modern orchestral instrument. Ancient harps were hand-held and shaped like an archer’s bow. Remains of these have been found in many sites dating back as far as 3,500 BC. If you remember, Lamech’s son Jubal is mentioned in Genesis 4:21 as the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes. Revelation 5:8 describes the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders who surround the throne of God in heaven. Each of them holding a harp. It will be something to hear them play, one day!

The ten-stringed lyre, some say, represents the 10 Commandments given to Moses. The lyre had a central pillar with 5 strings on each side that were plucked. In Isaiah 14:9-12 the devil goes to the pit with his ordinances, the instruments that he uses to deceive the people of the earth – the sound of those instruments is a “noise.” This is the same figure of 'noise of the harps' that Israel made to God in Amos 5:23-24, and which was 'rejected' by the Most High. So, it seems that the Bible is saying that; instruments played in worship of God and for dancing before Him produce sweet music in accordance with His commands. Instruments that play the devil’s tunes, that are against God’s ordinances, are just “noise!” Enjoy your next worship time!


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