Psalm 33:10

Psalm 33:10  

Who is in charge?     

So much could be said about the content of this verse of our Psalm, in fact it is a reflection on the entire history of the human race. While we educated westerners go to our schools and learn about the successes and failures of men and their armies; the plots and schemes of rulers and kings; the rise and fall of generals and world leaders; Jewish boys were and are educated to believe that it is the Lord who has been the major influence in the affairs of the world. So many good thangs have happened that men claim the credit for, so many bad things have not happened that God claims the credit for! Time and again as mighty empires have swept into being, ambitious dictators have plotted their abominations, greedy despots have subverted their people, idealistic philosophies have captured imaginations; the Lord has foiled the scheming, the Lord has uprooted the empires and now they are nothing. Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Greeks, Romans, the Ottomans, the British, European fascism and communism – the list is endless and where are all they today?  There is only one Plan A for this world and everything is going according to the Plan. We have some pointers as to how it will all turn out, but the times and the seasons are in God’s hands. They always have been. Hallelujah!



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