Psalm 33:13-15

Psalm 33:13-15  

The Lord looks down     

These verses have to be taken together. They are painting a brief word picture of the knowledge and wisdom of an all-seeing, all-embracing, all-understanding God. Imagine that dwelling place on high, the throne room of Adonai. It’s not easy is it? Somewhere, beyond the heavens, is the habitation of this Almighty One, this Eternal Spirit, this Being of profound wisdom, knowledge and power. He who only has to speak, and all things come into being. He dwells in a palace of light, surrounded by angelic beings who praise and worship Him. Is this God arrogant or is He a cruel despot who manipulates the creatures He has made for His own ends? No! He watches and considers and muses and yearns for mankind, the crown of His creation and who are made in His image, to relate to Him. How frustrating it is when so few even acknowledge Him! People are rushing here and there, trying to make the best of their short time on the planet, trying to build up temporary little empires, envying and admiring those who do best at accumulating the earth’s riches. They work like ants, filling their days with restless activity, dashing to and fro in their agitated attempts to make sense of their existence. From His dwelling place the Lord watches, perhaps with a tear in His eye. Why will they not look to me? Why will they not trust in me? Why are they so desperate to achieve for themselves what I would gladly and freely give them? The Lord looks down, every body and every soul was made by Him and he watches and He considers all that they do. 

What a heart-breaking rabble we must appear to be. Even those of us who say we believe in Him and follow Him, spend most of our time pursuing the ways of the world and compromising our faith in a pointless pursuit of riches, comfort and selfish fulfilment. “Father, I am sorry that I am no different. This world has so much to offer, all of it a bounty from Your hand so why do I try to earn it? Help me to let it go and to love only You. I know that You consider everything I do. Help me. Please help me to consider You just as You are considering me at all times!


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