Psalm 61:6
Psalm 61:6 Increase the days of my life Earlier in this Psalm, David talks about his heart growing faint and he pleads to be “led to the rock that is higher than I.” He may have been laid low by sickness or some kind of physical disability; whatever the problem it was enough to cause him to cry out to God for help. As we have seen, he is reminded of all the blessings that the Lord has given him and he voices a longing to be in God’s presence in an intimate relationship. The Psalms have taught us that the literal travails of the songwriters mirror the spiritual battles that hound those who follow Christ. Thus, we may not be close to death in any physical way, but the enemy can drag us down to the pit of despair and weakness where we may feel that the death of our spirits is imminent. Satan loves to rob us of our joy, he plans assaults on our integrity, he shifts the ground beneath our feet until we feel as if our spiritual life has drained away, and the Lord is a distant acqu...