Psalm 60:12

Psalm 60:12

With God we will gain the victory!

This is a statement of fact! Without God there is nothing but defeat and hopeless despair. Our enemies will overcome us, temptations will beset us, life will be lived in a constant state of warfare in which there is little hope of victory. Without God means exactly the same as, without hope. Without God is to be without strength, without guidance, without any kind of spiritual help. Without God is to be without life. How awful it must be to live this way and yet, many seem to be content with their lot. Their aspirations and their longings do not reach beyond the pleasures of the world.

Our Psalm ends with a ray of hope. All that we have said above is reversable! There is victory. There is hope. There is strength and guidance and spiritual aid but first we must have the Spirit of life within us. These things do not come easily, for us it meant the suffering and death of Yeshua as He fought for them on our behalf. But the prophesy in Genesis 3:15 as the Lord God addresses the serpent, has been fulfilled, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”  Because those words were literally fulfilled at the cross, our enemies have and can be trampled down. We could never do this for ourselves, the Lord had to do it for us. The body of Christ was, in worldly terms, broken, powerless and defeated, but in heavenly reality it was triumphant and powerful and producing wholeness in the lives of countless numbers of people who would join in it. A double Hallelujah! Hallelujah!



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