Psalm 59:9

Psalm 59:9

You are my fortress

This verse is a statement of positive intent, a direct contrast to what has previously been said about the wickedness of men and whole nations. Here David expresses his determination to trust in the Lord God who is his strength and his fortress. “I watch for you,” he says. What does he mean? The Hebrew word for watch is “shamar” and it means to look expectantly for help. It is sometimes rendered “to cling to.” The Bible often speaks of those who cling to idols and foreign gods; it does not literally mean that they carry them around holding them tightly in their hands, it means that their hopes and their expectations are placed on these things. When we watch for the Lord, we are pinning all our hopes on him, we are transferring all expectations from ourselves and others and placing them on Him. We are trusting that He alone has the answers and that He is the true source of our reliance.  That’s not a bad place to be in!

The Lord God is also described as a fortress in this verse, He is mighty and strong and impregnable. He is well guarded and enemy attacks will never succeed. He towers over all other powers and those who hide in Him are completely safe – forever. He is a hiding place, a strong tower, a rock and a defence, a bastion of strength who far surpasses all other attempts to provide protection and care. Those who put their trust in Him will never be overcome, “No one can pluck them out of His hand.” Hallelujah!


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