Psalm 60:3
Psalm 60:3
The judgement of God
In Deuteronomy 11 Moses implores the Israelites to love and obey the Lord and he reminds them of the great things that the Lord has done. (v7) He urges the people to observe all of God’s commands so that they will have the strength to go in and take the land on the other side of the Jordan. (v8) Moses tells the people that if they love the Lord their God and serve Him with all their heart and with all their soul, the rain will fall on the land and they will prosper. (v13-15) If they worship other gods then the Lord’s anger will burn against them and rain will not come. (v16-17) Moses tells the people to fix God’s commandments in their hearts and minds, to teach them to their children, to talk about them at all times, to write them on the doorframes of their houses and on their gates so that their days will be many. (v18-21) If they obey God’s commands, He will drive out the foreign nations and their territory will be extended, and they will be feared wherever they go. (v 22-25) These solemn warnings were referred to as the “Blessings and Curses” and were proclaimed from Mount Gerazim and Mount Ebal when the Israelites later entered the land under Joshua. The Israelites knew that the Lord God was both a God who blessed His people if they obeyed Him, but He was equally a God who judged them if they disobeyed, and in particular, if they worshipped pagan deities.
Returning to today’s verse we need to recognise that the judgements that had shaken the land and caused the people to stagger, as they drank from the cup of God’s wrath, were sent by the Lord but caused by their disobedience. This balance between the two sides of God’s character was engrained in His people.
We hear much today of the love and kindness of God and very little is said about His divine anger and judgement. Those who do speak about such things are often identified as somewhat fanatical and they are accused of taking the Bible too literally! I don’t find any Scriptures that tell us that the Lord has changed in His character, it is still true that obedience brings blessing and disobedience causes Him to show displeasure. What Father would not discipline His children? Discipline is meant for our good not to drive us away from Him. Hebrew 12:4-11. We do well to take note of this!
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