Psalm 60:10

Psalm 60:10

Rejected by God?

Many have known the blessing, protection and provision of the Lord God in their lives and have been thrilled to know that He is caring for them. You and I may well give testimony to this. But there are also genuine believers who have tasted rejection! Maybe some kind of besetting sin has overwhelmed them. Maybe their faith has come under attack. Maybe it has been necessary for the Lord to expose their weakness in order that they might find new strength in Him. 

Israel lived under the shadow of two mountains referred to in verse 6. Shechem lay at the feet of Gerazim and Ebal and, as you know, these sites were where the blessings and curses had been proclaimed. Rejection for Israel meant their produce and their flocks would be cursed; disease, famine and plague would torment them, and drought would hit the land. Enemies would prevail against them, their women would be raped, violence would increase, and many would be driven to madness. Nations would take them into captivity, locusts would sweep across their fields and indescribable suffering would be inflicted on the people. These calamities had not yet come upon the nation when David wrote these verses, but he feared that God had turned His face away and there was no longer a time of blessing to be experienced by all. This fear was driven by an awareness that the Israelite army was no longer victorious and supernaturally equipped to withstand enemy forces. 

If you and I are to fight the spiritual enemies arrayed against us, we need to be in the right place with our Lord. We cannot fight them alone; we will never win. Christ has taken the curse from us, Mount Ebal’s fearsome judgements have been removed and we will never be rejected. However, we cannot take on the enemy from a place of stubborn rebellion or if we are in a broken relationship with our Lord. That is why it is so important to keep short accounts with Him. 


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