Psalm 60:9

Psalm 60:9

Who will bring me to the fortified city?

David asks two questions here and they both suggest that he is fearful of the future and the threat posed by the surrounding forces. He is not confident in the men around him, even the army commanders, and he is certainly not confident in his own powers of leadership. The powers mentioned in the previous verse are both well-equipped and resolute, if the king is to triumph, he needs more than just human resources. Fortified cities lie beyond Israel’s present borders and the mighty army of the Edomites waits in expectation of easy pickings when David’s forces begin to move.

It is interesting to note that Israel today is still surrounded by the same enemies. While Jordan does not threaten the Jews by amassing an army against them, there have been bitter battles in recent history and the truce with “Moab and Edom” remains an uneasy one. Philistia in David’s time is now Gaza, from where 4,000 rockets were fired earlier in 2021. The Palestinians and the Jews are not comfortable neighbours. Egypt has infiltrated from the south and for decades, Lebanon and Syria have been the sources of daily incursions and rocket fire from the north. I think we can say that the threats are just the same as they were, and they have not diminished in any way.

Obviously, we are not Israel, we are citizens of the kingdom of heaven. Yeshua never asked us to go and fight with tanks and rockets and guns. He claimed that His kingdom was not of this world but boy, did He have a battle on His hands. Wherever He went the enemy was lying in wait and plotting to cause trouble and hostility. Yeshua fought back by driving out demons and confronting unbelief and darkness. His victory at the cross silenced the foe and the avenger but until He destroys His enemies completely, we are still in a battle. Hemmed in at times and fearful of our own vulnerability we may ask, “Who will bring me to the fortified city?” The next verses give us the answer. 



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