Psalm 60:5

Psalm 60:5

The right hand of God

It’s that right hand again! The right hand of God. In Scripture the right hand always takes precedence, as when Jacob divided the blessings upon his sons before he died. Someone of high rank or position who put another person at their right hand was giving them equal honour and status to themselves. Paul is not alone in telling us that Jesus Christ is at the right hand of God, equal in power and authority. "And what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us, the ones believing according to the working of His mighty strength which He worked in Christ in raising Him from the dead, and He seated Him at His right hand in the heavenlies, far above all principality and authority and power and dominion, and every name being named, not only in this world, but also in the coming age" Ephesians 1:19-21.

The fact that Jesus Christ is at the "right hand of God" was a sign to the disciples that Jesus had indeed gone to heaven. In John 16:7-15 Jesus told the disciples that He had to go away but when He did so He would send the Holy Spirit. So, the coming of the Holy Spirit in the upper room on the day of Pentecost was proof positive that Jesus was indeed in heaven seated at the right hand of God. This is confirmed in Romans 8:34 where the Apostle Paul writes that Christ is sitting at God’s right hand making intercession for us.

Here in this verse Israel cries out to the Lord to wield the power and authority of His right hand so that those He loves tenderly may be delivered. Perhaps we should plead for the right hand of God to move on this earth too, especially amongst those who are dearly loved and are suffering for their faith.


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