Psalm 61:4

Psalm 61:4

The shelter of His wings

This is a beautiful verse and is full of hidden meaning. Firstly, David longs to dwell in God’s tent forever. He was not alluding to some kind of nomadic existence with a cosy canvas covering at night where he could snuggle down beside the Lord God. The tent that David was speaking of was, of course, the Tabernacle, the Holy Place where God dwelt. This tent inspired David throughout his life, and he was the man who planned to set up a permanent, replacement temple in Jerusalem. David danced before the Tent, he wrote songs for the worship that went on around the Tent, he refers constantly to those who work at the Tent. This holy dwelling of God was at the centre of national life and was at the centre of David’s spiritual longings. “O to be able to live there, to be close to the Lord and never have to leave. What is the point of palaces when we have the Tabernacle, and the Lord is in residence?”

The symbolism becomes even more personal in the next phrase when he asks the Lord to give him the shelter of His wings. The immediate thought is that of a bird protecting its young, but you also probably know that the Jewish Prayer Shawl (Tallit) with its tassels or Tzitzits also formed wings when held wide. David was asking the Lord God to hold out His arms and cover him with his garment and to shelter Him and keep Him close. This concept was transferred into marriage where a bridegroom would bring his wife close and wrap them both in the Tallit. Today the Huppah acts in a similar manner as a canopy that is raised over Jewish couples when they make their vows together. The wings of the Lord speak of intimacy, closeness, family relationships and of love. If you and I are to be covered by God’s wings, we are literally at His side and enjoying intimacy based on love and trust. Hallelujah!


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