Psalm 59:7

Psalm 59:7

Who can hear us?

The tongues of the wicked are cruel and harmful weapons, David likens them here to swords that cut and maim and even kill. He imagines these vile enemies pouring out their filth and describes it as spewing, in other words vomiting out their lies and obscenities. 

Whist we may not be as offensive as the men that David is describing, it’s sobering to think about the vast damage that our tongues or our mouths can cause! Lies, innuendo, blasphemy, curses, abuse, boasting, jibes, seduction, perverted humour, insults, anger, put-downs, invective, criticisms - the list is a long one and “utterly” depressing! All of this stuff comes from our lips but is an expression of something far deeper – the attitudes of our hearts. Speech is a window into the soul.

The wicked people described in our Psalm do not, of course, believe that they are accountable. They think that they can say anything they like and they are arrogant enough to believe that no one can stop them. God hears, God knows, God records, and everyone will have to account to Him for their language. Let’s watch our tongues carefully! 



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