Psalm 59:17

Psalm 59:17

I sing praise to You

Sometimes it pays to stop and ponder our songs of praise. Who am I singing this to? Do I really believe the words? Am I just repeating familiar refrains, or do they come from my heart? Is it the music that inspires me or is it my emotions, or is the Holy Spirit motivating me from His temple within? Do I sing praises only when I am in a good place, or can I sing all of the time? Are the songs of praise an expression of a sincere attitude of worship within?

You see, I think David had crossed the line into a deeper place of adoration and glory in the presence of His God. The Israelites believed that only the High Priest could truly enter into God’s presence and this on the Day of Atonement, just once a year. Of course, there was singing and dancing and joy on many other occasions, as we have noted the Levites were chosen and trained for this purpose. But, as with now, much of this outward show of celebration was no more than ceremonial – a brief respite from normality. I believe David had managed to find the Lord in the secret place. He had the Holy Spirit with him, a rare and extraordinary occurrence, before Christ came. This enabled him to enter his private sanctuary and there find peace for his soul. The troubles and turmoil of the world were off-loaded, and dear David could then sing his anthems from a worshipping heart. “You are my strength, I sing praise to You; You are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.”

Do we have a Holy Place, a Sanctuary where we can meet the Lord and off-load our worries and concerns? Do we enjoy privacy in the Lord’s presence where our troubles and trials slip away and the negative influences are transcended by expressions of joy and thanksgiving as we realise “The Lord is my fortress, my God on whom I can rely?” 

One other little thought; in verse 9 the Hebrew word shamar is translated “I watch for You.” Here I verse 17, it is rendered “I sing to You.” In verse 9 David is seeking God’s help during the night of danger here, in verse 17, he is praising the Lord on the morning of salvation. The Lord is just reminding us that we can reach out to Him at any time and in any situation. Because He is with us we can always trust in His care and deliverance – night and day. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


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