Psalm 61:1
Psalm 61:1
A National Prayer for God’s help
v1 “Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer.” This is a heart-rending plea is it not? It’s one that we have heard before and will, no doubt, hear again. There is a suggestion that the one who prays feels unheard, that he is screaming for attention at a wall of silence. Against this backdrop of desperation can we also detect an air of petulance, as if this were a demand to the Lord, “Listen to me”?
Whatever David was feeling, he was able to pen these words and sing them out to His Lord, he was not afraid to command attention. Surely there is a lesson here for us? How timid our prayers are at times? I grew up attending Prayer Meetings where words were carefully rehearsed and politely uttered, style was more important than substance and there was no chance that anything might be uttered that could offend the Lord. It was boring to most of us and I suspect that the Lord may have been bored as well! Sometimes, we have to shout it out, not because God is deaf or unfeeling but because He knows that we need to give vent to our frustrations and because He knows what is in our hearts. Let’s have honest prayer please! I speak to myself.
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