Psalm 59:13

Psalm 5-9:13

God rules over Jacob

This verse seems a little bit out of place. The previous request is that David’s enemies be uprooted, brought down and tripped up by their pride. Now he wants them to be consumed by God until they are no more! David has had enough, the evil men that surround him, the hostility of their words, the constant threat of their movements has driven him to despair. He wants vengeance and to be free of his captors. He wants them to be publicly disgraced and removed so that everyone knows how evil they are. He cries out, “Destroy them Lord in Your wrath, destroy them till they are no more.” 

If you and I have any sense of the battle that we are in, the forces that surround us, the violations against us, the whispering voices and lies that are concocted against us, then we will want the same. If we have any sense of the truth of God’s Word, the holiness of His being and the purity of His reputation, then we will want all His enemies to be consumed. If we feel helpless and overwhelmed by the satanic hordes and their evil intent, then we will cry out for their destruction. Best of all, we will long for the day when our faith is vindicated, and our God is worshipped and the whole world acknowledges that He is the judge of all the earth. God ruled over Jacob / Israel. God rules over His people today. God has not diminished or failed in any way and one day He will say, “Enough!” On that day it will be known to the ends of the earth that God rules over Jacob.



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