Psalm 59:6
Psalm 59:6
Going to the dogs!
I don’t know if you have sampled the night-life in a town or city, any time recently? You might be surprised! I’m not talking about clubs and bars and disreputable establishments; I’m talking about the animal nightlife. Foxes, muntjacs, badgers and cats are in evidence everywhere nowadays, especially as we humans are not as clean and tidy as we’d like to think. There are plenty of rich pickings for hungry scavengers. And so it was in David’s day. People were not pet lovers, dogs were kept for work only, the rest hunted at night and city streets were full of their barking and their scuffles. Our songwriter likened these nocturnal prowlers to his enemies who may have disappeared underground during the day, but they were out and about with their scheming and their snarling predatory ways as soon as the sun went down.
It is true, “Men love darkness rather than light for their deeds are evil. Everyone doing wicked things hates the light and does not come to the Light so that his deeds will not be exposed.” John 3:20. Today, human predators stalk our streets, often in packs, and the familiar walkways become dangerous places. Many of these people are drunk, drugged and crazed and just as dangerous as wild dogs. Others hide away in their suburban lairs and watch their TVs wishing that they could live the immoral lives of those whom they are viewing. The majority despise Christians and despise our faith simply because their love of their habits, their way of life and their independence from God far transcends any desire to change their ways. For most, disobedience means freedom, the ways of the world seem far more appealing than the rigors of faith and moral obedience. And so, they continue in darkness, living in the underworld but not even realising that the sun does not shine there, beauty is not found there, truth is not heard there and hope cannot exist there.
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