Psalm 59:8

Psalm 59:8

Laughter in heaven?

Don’t you just love this expression? It’s not the first time that we have come across it. In Psalm 2:2-4 we read that the kings of the earth rise up and band together against the Lord and His anointed thinking that they can shake Him off. “The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.” 

In Psalm 37:12-13 we read that the wicked plot against the righteous, “But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming.” 

And now we have the Lord once again hooting with laughter at the stupidity of men who think that they can outwit Him, that they can do as they please and that no one hears their abusive talk.  I must say that I’ve never really pondered what it is that makes the Lord laugh! This isn’t the laughter of One who enjoys good humour, this is the amusement of a God who understands irony! That those who rebel against Him and against His righteous ones are literally digging their own graves. In their pathetic attempts to become gods themselves, they are foolishly challenging the might and power of the Only, One True God. How stupid, how ridiculous! It’s like a flea standing on a railway track and challenging the might of an express train. Quite funny really!

It is not just individuals who are called into question here, whole nations are the objects of God’s scoffing. They are nothing, even though they think they are so great. It is humbling to think that nations who will not answer to the Lord or who ignore His commands or who consider themselves greater than any other powers, cause considerable mirth in the corridors of heaven. How stupid they are. Please, never forget this, our God is greater than them all. 


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