Psalm 59:11

Psalm 59:11

Called to seerve

I’m afraid that the politics and authority structures of human history have blunted our concepts of a good king or a godly ruler or even what it means to have power. The ancient principle was that those who were born into leadership or who were appointed to any kind of ruling status did not assume the role for selfish reasons or for ambition; the whole point was to watch over and care for those who they ruled. A good ruler is one who thinks only of those he serves. In God’s kingdom, ruling is serving in the same way that He serves us! Christ came to serve, His followers called Him Lord, but their Lord got down on His knees and washed their feet. Our Lord had only one ambition, it was not to save Himself but to save His people. In this way He became and still is, our shield. He watches over us and He guards us, and He demonstrates His love by being prepared to give up everything of Himself for us. How many human rulers have been like Him? So, if you are a God-fearing husband, you are a shield for your wife and children. If you are a church leader you are a shield for the flock. If you are an employer or manager your primary purpose is to guard and protect those who work under you. And so it goes on, all the way up the ladder – laying down our lives for those we serve. 

David wisely asks his Shield, in this song, that his enemies should not be killed and destroyed but rather they should be spared. However, escaping death should mean that they live with no privileges, like homeless people, with no place, no possessions, and no status. In this way they will be an example to Israel, that this is what befalls those who oppose God’s and God’s people. Maybe that is a fate worse than death? Maybe we need to stop and think a lot harder than we do, about the consequences of disobedience, of resisting the Lord God and mistreating His people. If this prayer was answered and is answered still, then we can be sure that sin brings its judgements even in this life. How many people are living a miserable existence simply because they have made themselves the enemies of the Lord? Food for thought. 


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