Psalm 72:1
Psalm 72:1 A Prayer for the King The context of this, Psalm is complex. You will note that it is described as being “of Solomon” but it has all of the hallmarks of David’s authorship. I tend to agree with those who think this song was written by David for his son Solomon who would succeed to the throne of Israel and rule over God’s holy people. Two characteristics of a godly king are mentioned in the Psalm, two characteristics that David often mentions, they are righteousness and justice. (When David speaks of the Lord God, he usually adds truth to complete the trio). There is another school of thought that we will definitely pursue as we work our way through these verses; Jewish tradition saw this as a Messianic Psalm and the early church agreed! In other words, the entire song extols the virtues of Yeshua and His kingdom. I can’t wait to learn more! Finally, notice that these verses are more than a just a statement of intent, they are prayer to Almighty God, a prayer that...