Psalm 71:18

Psalm 71:18

Even when I am old and grey!!

What a verse! I do not consider myself to be old, although some may disagree, however I cannot deny that I am grey (white). Even as I write this blog, I am waiting to have a Facetime chat with my dad who is in hospital, pending a probable move to a Care Home. Now he is definitely old, as he will be 93 later this year. The reason I am telling you this is that dad has been getting a little bit impatient with the Lord lately, he believes that it is time to leave this world, that being trapped in a hospital bed and rendered helpless by old age is a pretty miserable existence. He wants to “go home” and in that sense feels that the Lord has forsaken him! However, he has declared God’s power to the next generation, His mighty acts to all who are to come. My sisters and I all follow Christ. Of dad’s 9 grandchildren and step-grandchildren, 5 are believers and the rest of them are being prayed for every day. 

This should be a lesson to all of us. It is a major responsibility to share our faith with our children, in fact it is the greatest responsibility we will ever have. David did not have our hope of resurrection and a place in paradise, but he still did not want to leave this world until the next generation had learned about the Lord God and His ways. Our God will never forsake us, as we grow older let’s use our time wisely in sharing the good news with our successors. 


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