Psalm 71:2

Psalm 71:2

In Your righteousness

It is not an easy thing, to appeal to the righteousness of God. By that I mean, when we are in a fix or troubled or afraid and we need protective care and help, we may think about turning to the Lord but then a little, inner voice says, “But you are not worthy!” That awareness of our own fallibility, weakness and sin tends to hinder us from declaring dependency on Him who is perfect and righteous! You see, God’s righteousness is linked to His justice which is borne out of His faithfulness and appealing to One who is so immense in character and stature can be quite intimidating. 

The thing is, God knows who He is and He knows who we are. He would not have chosen us if He had not predetermined that He would protect us, help us and right our wrongs. The sacrifice of His Son upon the cross is all the evidence we need of this. It is our enemy who whispers “You are not good enough. How can you appeal to the righteousness of a holy God when you are so dirty and sinful? Don’t bother to ask Him for anything, He will never listen to someone like you.”

So, we have every right to turn to our heavenly Father, as His legally adopted children, and ask for His deliverance. He will listen and He will step in to save you and me. Hallelujah!


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