Psalm 70:3

Psalm 70:3

Aha! Aha! 

How the world has changed in my lifetime! I’m not hankering after the past but 60 years ago the Christian faith was part of our culture and churches still fulfilled an important function in every community. School days started with Christian Assemblies. Sunday was still a quiet day for worship and family. Shops were closed and few people worked. Sunday Schools were full on Sunday afternoons, and no one thought you were completely mad if you said that you believed in God! 

Today, the arrogance of man and the absolute belief that everything can be explained without a superstitious faith in a God, has completely undermined the life of faith for most. Today, Christians are regarded as freaks, faith has been replaced by so-called fact, and to state your beliefs risks accusations of narrow-mindedness and ignorance. Like David, we face the taunts “Aha! Aha! You are a Christian are you. I feel sorry for you. Don’t you dare visit your opinions on me, I am educated and civilised and have no time for such ancient fairy tales. You are finished. Your beliefs are no longer relevant. Don’t preach them at us. You lot are so intolerant with your talk of judgement and accountability and sin and salvation. Leave me alone or I will make trouble for you.”

“Lord may those who speak in this way, turn back. May they recognise their shame and see that their ignorance is tearing the world apart. May they seek You and Your truth.” Amen.


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