
Psalm 71:21

You will increase my honour

Faith is a glorious quality. It makes us resolute in the face of threats and danger. It allows us to confront uncertainty with hope. It removes fear and pierces the ominous clouds ahead of us. It is a ray of light in the darkness and a secure anchor in turbulent seas. It is our rescue helicopter and our lifeboat. It is the inner voice that calms and makes sense of difficulties, it is also the reassuring revelation that allows us to see the armies of heaven that surround us. Faith allows us to jump off cliffs and to dive into deep waters, it makes the impossible a possibility and the unreal a reality. Faith is our map and our torch, and it is the solid staff in our hands. 

Of course, it all depends on who we have faith in! What help can a lifeless image give us or a man-made trinket? How can imaginary deities possibly help us to face the future? Faith’s only power lies in its object and in our case, as with David, it is faith in the living God who has all power, authority and honour. Such faith allows David to say that, despite all the troubles he has endured, he will yet see his greatness increased and he will be comforted. To put it another way, “It’s not, what you know but, who you know!”  Praise God for faith and praise Him for the glorious hope that lies before us. With Him all things are possible. Hallelujah!


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