Psalm 71:10-11

Psalm 71:10-11

God has forsaken him?

We now find that the doubts expressed in verse 9 are rooted in the comments of David’s enemies. It is they who have been saying that God has deserted him and that he is weak and vulnerable to attack. It is because of the seeds of doubt that have been planted that our writer pleads that God must not “cast him away when he is old.” It is not difficult to imagine the whispers, the furtive conversations, the secret discussions, and the evil strategies that are being devised by the king’s enemies as they see him declining in age and health. 

It's interesting to note that the enemies of David believe that God has forsaken him, which somehow suggests that they also believe that God must have been with him in earlier times! In other words, it is God that they fear and if God is not present then they will be able to carry out their plan to seize the king and dispose of him. 

I wonder if our enemies look for signs of weakness in us that may suggest that God has forsaken us? Satan would certainly like to think that way and the more he can drag us down into despair and weakness, the more likely we are to believe it too. What a vicious circle this is. Let’s have none of it. God does NOT desert His children. He will never let anyone pluck us out of His hand. He is always with us and just because we grow old, and our powers diminish does not mean that His power ever changes! Hallelujah!


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