Psalm 71:13


Sin again God's people will be punished

It’s time to reiterate what has been said, many times in the Psalms, about the vastness of the great gulf that exists between those who know and love God and those who do not. Sin has been allowed in this world, Satan has been permitted to brandish his fiendish authority over mankind and most have fallen for it. Indeed, we have all succumbed to temptation and to the law of sin and death that seems to work so effectively within us. God, in His mercy, has done a number of things for the human race to redeem us from this slavery. He has made an escape route through faith as opposed to our attempts to improve ourselves. He has broken the stranglehold of sin at the cross. He has implanted His Spirit in those who are willing and obedient, and He is, even now, preparing for His chosen people to live in a heavenly kingdom that is sin free!

Sin cannot go unpunished; the laws of God must be solemnly adhered to, and justice must be appropriated. If the world rejects Christ and His sacrifice then it will be punished, the Day of God’s Wrath will come, soon! This verse in Psalm 71 is like so many that anticipate such justice, and the appropriate consequences, for all who oppose the will of God and who oppose His chosen people. What kind of God would He be if He let us be pilloried, abused, persecuted and killed with no come-back? Every slanderous comment, every evil act, every devious scheme against God’s people is a slight on God Himself. That is why David can justifiably pray for God’s judgement against his enemies, “May they perish in shame; may those who want to harm me be covered with scorn and disgrace.”


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