Psalm 71:14

Psalm 71:14

I will always have hope

I first heard about the return of Jesus Christ when I was a child. I still remember a preacher speaking about this subject, to a large gathering on a Thursday night, at a chapel in a village called Woolpit. The preaching was so powerful that you could hear a pin drop, and everyone present was willing the trumpet call to be blown, heralding Christ’s return for His people. David did not have such a prospect, but he knew enough about the Lord God and His plans that nothing could ever take away His hope.

We are so privileged for, since the time of David, Messiah has come. Since David’s day the New Testament Scriptures have been written. David could not conceive of resurrection or church communities of believing people, filled with the Holy Spirit. All he had was the tent on Mount Zion and a lifetime of knowing the presence and protection of Almighty God. Believers in Yeshua, those who truly follow Him, are the most blessed people who have ever lived. Our futures are enveloped in hope, our prospects are ridiculously prosperous, our eternal welfare is guaranteed, and that trumpet call grows closer by the hour. 

We have a sure and certain hope. The command, from men like the Apostle Paul, was to eagerly await the coming of the Lord and to comfort one another with this hope. As the day draws closer, so our praise increases. Praise is the reception music for the coming of our King. He comes for His victorious church, bruised and battered maybe, but a community of people who are expectant and increasingly joyful as they anticipate the arrival of their deliverer. Hallelujah!


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