Psalm 71:15

Psalm 71:15

Speaking of Him - all day long!

Wow! Let’s expand these words just a little to catch their full meaning. “Lord, I am coming  to Your Holy Place, the tabernacle, to tell out all of Your righteous deeds. I will speak of Your deliverance, of Your protection, of Your salvation. I will give an account of every occasion when You have acted on behalf of Your people and blessed them. I will speak of the countless occasions when You have intervened in my life too. Oh, Sovereign Lord, You have saved me and saved Israel again and again, even if I extolled Your righteous deeds all day long it would not be enough. I really cannot find the words to speak of all that You have done. Your power and presence have been so great, over such a long period, that it is impossible to recall and recount every act of mercy, love, kindness and grace that You have shown towards us. Frankly, Lord, I realise that if I were to try to speak of all that You have done, well, it would be an impossible task. How amazing! How great! How wonderful You are!”

Isn’t it time to stop and try to recall all of the occasions when the Lord God has intervened in our lives? Isn’t it good to stop and add up all of the times He has blessed us and saved us? We can start before the world was created, when we were chosen in Him. We can follow the Covenant promises of God to His ancient people, that were fulfilled in Messiah. We can re-read some of the Psalms and appropriate them to our own lives. We can recall the coming of Yeshua and all that He did for us in His life, death and resurrection. We can read about His provision for His people in the Epistles of the Bible and recall all that He has done for His church. We can then spend a long time going over events in our own lives, from the moment we first knew Him to the present time. How long might we need to remember all these things and to recount them? A long time! Hallelujah! 



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