Psalm 71:8

Psalm 71:8

Declare His splendour all day long!

Another thought about praise! How many times have you heard music or song, and something has been out of tune or flat? The discordant note grates, it is out of place, something of beauty becomes spoiled. Some composers put in the wrong note deliberately, other modern composers write entire pieces that are discordant! 

God’s created world and His presence are about harmony, beauty and creativity, where nothing is out of place, and all is agreeable. You could say therefore, that Satan is the author of all discord, chaos and ugliness. If that is true in earthly music and art, it is also true in heavenly music and art. Satan’s world jars us, it produces conflicts and friction, things are out of place, incompatible and inappropriate. This applies to many areas from mental health, to people’s behaviour, to international politics, to relationships ….. the list is a long one!

One method that God has given to dispel the clouds, the confusion and the oppression, is praise. “My mouth is filled with Your praise, declaring Your splendour all day long.” Praise changes the atmosphere, it lifts our spirits, it dispels the darkness and it links us with heaven. Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him all day long, put the CD player on or Spotify or whatever media you use and let the praises ascend and drive out the discord. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Go on – say it! 



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