Psalm 70:5

Psalm 70:5

You are my help and my deliverer

The final verse of this short Psalm of David reveals a moment of honest truth. Crowds may gather to praise the Lord, as in verse 4. Individuals may declare with pride, “The Lord is great!”. There may be rejoicing and gladness but, when alone, and all is quiet, David looks inside of himself and has to admit, “I am poor and needy.” When the singing is over and the moment of adulation passes, when he looks within instead of looking up, he sees a broken man, a sinful man, a man who is weak and who struggles at so many levels. 

Here we have an honest assessment of us all. How many of us have been caught up in joyful experiences of praise but, later, have been prompted to look within and see our weaknesses?  All of this is part of life’s spiritual journey and both moments are important. How great is our God! How weak and helpless am I. In this moment of clarity, we may turn from self and appeal to the Lord to come quickly to help and deliver us. When we are down, the enemy starts to sharpen his knives and we need to be rescued. Thank God that He is always there, always aware, always caring, always available and always able to save. Thank God that when we “trust in Him with all our hearts…. He will make our paths straight.” Hallelujah! 



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