Psalm 71:22

Psalm 71:22

The Holy One of Israel

We know, that amongst all his other attributes, David was a skilled musician. What a shame it is that we do not know the tunes to his many hymns and psalms! As a young man he played the harp for Saul and his playing brought peace and solace to the tormented king. The harp and lyre are both stringed instruments and are not dissimilar in their playing techniques; the harp, however, is much larger and has more strings. Guitarists and other instrumentalists will know that you need strong nails and fingers and good co-ordination to be able to play these well. David anticipates rising from his bed of suffering, shaking off the effects of old age and picking up his instruments and playing the familiar melodies once again. What will he play? Praises to God for His faithfulness. Praises to the Holy One of Israel. 

Isaiah uses the term “the Holy One of Israel” 26 times, it describes God’s character but also His special affiliation with the land and with the Jewish people. He has made covenants with them that are timeless. He has chosen them out of all the nations of the world. He has allowed them to occupy the Promised Land. He has revealed Himself exclusively to them through the Law and the Prophets. He sent Messiah to them. His temple was built in Israel and one day, all nations will worship Him again on Mount Zion. He is indeed, the Holy One of Israel. Christians who do not believe this or who cannot see it are to be pitied, for everything that we know about our God starts with Israel. His dealings with the church grew out of His relationship with the Jews. Today, we are one new man, bonded together. We are grafted into the vine of Israel and their Holy God is our Holy God. Pray for them that they may understand this and turn to Him again. 


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