Psalm 119:69
Psalm 119:69 Smeared with lies We’re back again to the author’s battle with the smear campaigns of the arrogant. The truth is, the more keenly we observe the laws of the Lord and walk in His ways, the more we will upset the attitudes and opinions of the wicked. If our faith is half-hearted and hidden, no one will trouble us. If, on the other hand, we constantly display and declare our faith to everyone who knows us, we will soon stir up the opposition! There are any number of categories of opposition to our God and His ways. For instance, there are those who just want a quiet life and will have nothing to do with anything that challenges their status quo. Then there are those who, and they could never admit this, secretly think there might be something in what we say but cannot lower themselves to agree. There are others who consider that everything we believe is a direct confrontation with their own beliefs and values and they get angry when they are challenged. There are some wh...