Psalm 119:47

Psalm 119:47

Delight in His commands

It’s impossible for us to understand the significance of the commands of God for those who lived by them, thousands of years ago. 

Firstly, they were one of the only forms of written communication that would ever be seen and read by the common man. 

Secondly, these instructions were a powerful link to the past, they had been given to Moses and were written down by him, these commands were an inextricable link with Israel’s inheritance. 

Thirdly, the commands of God were the only written documents that were in the possession of the Israelites, if you wanted to hear from Him, these were His words to His people. 

Fourthly, to be a true Israelite, to embrace the rituals of the priesthood and the tabernacle, to practice your religion, you must pay attention to the commands of the Lord. 

Fifthly, the writer, and many like him, understood that it was these scrolls, with their carefully worded instructions that separated Israel from her neighbours. These laws were unique and given only to God’s holy people. Thus, they were incredibly precious. 

Sixthly, it was obedience to God’s laws and commands, not just possession of the written codes, that separated Israel from the rest of the nations. To delight in them was to delight in the Lord, and to obey them was the singular most distinguishing feature of being one of His Chosen People.

No wonder the writer loved them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if believers today gave the Word of God similar value?


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