Psalm 119:59
Psalm 119:59
Considering my ways
It is a healthy exercise, in any sphere of life, to stop at times and reflect on our progress. Is that project working? What is the next step forwards? Could this be done better? Do I need to work on that relationship? Does the effort justify the outcome? What am I hoping to achieve? Is it worth the time and money? Where do I go next? Am I living my life in the most fulfilling way? There are lots of questions that can be asked, and they vary according to age, circumstances, our state on mind etc. – the list is a long one and very personal.
The psalm writer has been carrying out a review, he calls it “considering his ways!” He likens it to a journey, a journey that has presented him with a number of options, a busy crossroads if you like. In so doing he has discovered that a change of direction is required and consequently he has turned his steps to the statutes of the Lord. The statutes of the Lord are His covenant rules and stipulations, so we must deduce that there were areas where this man’s life was out of order, he was going the wrong way, adjustments were needed, a change of direction was required.
We need to ask ourselves when we last carried out such an exercise. How does our lifestyle match up to the standards that God has set? Are we using our time wisely? Does the Lord get the attention He deserves? Are our activities all carried out in obedience to His Will? If not, do our steps need turning?
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