Psalm 119:44

Psalm 119:44

Learning the Law

This is a cry of triumph but also of intent. Presumably, the writer has Torah in view. It’s not clear exactly what the education system in ancient times consisted of, but by the time of Christ it had developed as follows: -

·      Jewish boys started school at around 5 years. They would attend the “Bet Sefer” (the house of the book.)  The Bet Sefer was usually built on the side of the local synagogue, and it would be run by a full-time scribe or teacher. The curriculum was focussed entirely on the Torah, or the first 5 books of the Bible. By the age of 12-13 (Bar Mitzvah) most students were expected to have memorized all 5 of the books – Genesis to Deuteronomy. At that time, they would leave the school and apprentice into the family business or farm.

·      The brightest and best of the students could go on to secondary education! It was called “Bet midrash” (the house of learning). By the age of 17, they were expected to have memorized the whole of the Scriptures – the Old Testament. Most would then return to normal life.

·      The best of the best could apply to be an apprentice or disciple of a Rabbi. Today’s equivalent would be like going to Oxford or Cambridge. You would find a Rabbi whose “yoke” you were drawn to and then beg to join his group. To get in would often involve a lengthy grilling! If the Rabbi considered you bright enough and that maybe, one day, you could be a Rabbi, he would say, “Follow me.”

I think we can surmise that the writer of Psalm 119 knew the Torah off by heart, this was God’s Law and he publicly announces his determination to keep the Law for ever and ever. If only we were as devoted to the Word of God today! 


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