Psalm 119:68
Psalm 119:68
God is good!
Once again we need to establish the relationship between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death, righteousness and wickedness. As we saw, in verse 65, this part of the Psalm is headed by the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet – Teth. Teth means good but good means nothing unless it can be measured against its opposite quality. For instance, if it was always light and there was no dark, we would have no way of understanding the beneficial qualities of light and how oppressive and restricting darkness is. Light brings freedom, perspective, understanding, revelation and meaning, it drives out our darkness and sets our senses alight! Goodness does all of those things too, but goodness and light and righteousness could not exist without God. He is the source of all of these and more, He is, in essence, good, and without Him everything would be pointless and empty and perpetually dark.
Because God is good in His moral character, everything He does is good too. When we look at creation we have to say with Him, it is good. It’s not just ok, it is inherently good. All life was created to be good, imagine what it must have been like to live in the Garden of Eden in the full light of God’s goodness! It didn’t last, mankind has chosen to align himself with the dark, the light has been extinguished by sin, and life has been overcome by death. But, by creating the moral compass of goodness for humanity God has prescribed a standard for us to live by, He still beckons us a return to goodness by teaching us His decrees. Wow!
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