Psalm 119:49

Psalm 119:49

The Word of the Lord

The seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet is “Zayin.” The word “Zayin” means to arm oneself; it is used of weaponry and consequently, of power. The letter is deliberately made to look like an axe! The next 8 verses, whilst not directly describing warfare, do hint at the struggles the writer endured with his wicked enemies.

As we have seen, the Word of the Lord means many things to this psalm-writer. He uses different expressions for different aspects of the Word, and we listed 10 of these at the beginning of this lengthy psalm. There seems to be an element of doubt in his mind that the Lord God will either forget or choose not to recall His Word to His servant! As if! God certainly does not forget and, so far as I can recall, it’s only our sins and iniquities that He chooses not to remember. (Jeremiah 31:34 and Hebrews 8:12 and Hebrews 10:17.)

The Word of the Lord here includes, of course, the Law and the Promises of God, and whilst these were delivered to Israel as a nation, they are also claimed here by an individual. When the writer read the 10 Commandments, he didn’t just apply them to the nation, he applied them to himself, as if the Lord had written directly and solely to him! Do we receive the Word of God in a similar vein? The Bible was given to the world, but the Lord God also had in mind that you and I would receive it as a love letter written directly to us and for us. This book is God’s personal letter to you and to me.

As the author tell us, in the words of Scripture we find hope. Against the dark backdrop of the hopelessness of the world and its futile attempts to resolve its problems, we have the written Word of God that assures us that He is in control and however dark things might seem to be, there is a plan, it is for our salvation and for our good, and it is being worked out right before our eyes! Hallelujah! 


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