Psalm 119:65
Psalm 119:65
Do good to Your servant
We’re already at the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and it is Teth. It’s a mysterious letter because it reveals both good and evil. For instance, when God created all things, Genesis tells us that everything that He did was Teth (good) however, Teth allows for the perversion of good to evil, it recognises that God uses evil in the universe for His good purposes. It’s complicated!
The above theme is continued in the verse before us, if the psalmist pleads for the Lord to do good to him, there is some allowance for the possibility that He could permit bad! This was a reflection of the widely held belief that all things were in God’s hands, that He had the ability to make good happen but then evil could not take place unless He allowed it! I guess this is all about what we view as good. Looking back over my own life, there have been some very tough times, some dark valleys and some moments when nothing seems to have gone right. It could be argued that God withdrew, that He ceased to “do good to His servant’ and yet, looking back, it is now possible to say that He was always with me. The dark places taught me a great deal about myself and about His loving care – He used the darkness to reveal His light.
It is, of course, true to say that the Word of God is good and teaches us good, but when we think about it, the only reason we need to be shown good is that evil exists and most of us are predisposed to pursue sinful ways rather than God’s ways. When God created light and saw that it was good, it was because darkness already existed. God made light good, He separated it from the darkness; in so doing He exposed the dark for what it really is. That is Teth!
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