Psalm 119:62
Psalm 119:62
Time to get up!
Hmm. This verse has caught us on the hop a bit, hasn’t it? We were safely tucked up in our cosy beds by 10.00pm and the blanket of uninterrupted sleep was working its soothing magic, when suddenly a clock struck twelve. We opened our eyes in alarm and looked at the bedside clock, it’s midnight and time to get up and give serious consideration to God’s righteous laws!
I doubt if the above scenario is familiar to anyone reading this, but the author of the Psalm clearly devoted himself to such practices. Some of us are led to stay up very late to read and meditate on the Word of God, usually because some pressing problem hinders our sleep, but that’s different to deliberately rising from our beds in the middle of the night with the sole purpose of giving thanks for God’s righteous laws! The writer was obviously a devotee, some might say a fanatic. What this shows us, however, is the depth and intensity of his love for God’s commands and his whole-hearted pursuit of the purity of truth. Such is the cleansing and purifying impact of the Law of God, that this man leaps out of bed with excitement at midnight to give thanks.
The strange thing is that some of us are regularly awakened in the dark hours. The house is absolutely silent, nothing stirs. The only sound outside is the gentle hooting of the owls in the wood and it’s the time when nothing impedes our thought processes, and the Lord can speak to us. It often happens to me, if you have a similar experience, thank God for it and be ready to hear what He has to say.
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